Y cuando nuestros corazones se hallaban desanimados, y estábamos a punto de regresar, he aquí, el Señor nos consoló, y dijo: Id entre vuestros hermanos los lamanitas, y sufrid con paciencia vuestras affliciones, y os daré el éxito (Alma 26:27).

Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success (Alma 26:27).

Monday, April 27, 2015

Saint Jordi

Hey everyone! 

So this week was a pretty busy week, we went to a lot of pueblos and visited members that had not received visits in a long time, so it was good to see them. We lose time due to traveling, but those people need visits and we were blessed by it when they came to church on Sunday for the first time in a long while! Yes!!!! 

We also celebrated a holiday called Saint Jordi, a day where we hand out free books to people, although mostly it is people selling books, but we gave them out for free and we gave out Books of Mormon! We took about 90 books and we handed out about 85 and received 26 numbers from people! We started at about 9 in the morning and we stopped around 8 o’clock. Then we took some carts around with the rest of the books that we had and went around in the street handing them out, but you would be surprised how many people reject a free book! It is super fuerte :P 

Giving out free books for Saint Jordi holiday
But this past week was good, the stake has big plans for us, and we are growing, which is good :) Just want to leave with a weekly scripture in Helamán 6:4-5 where the lamanites become more converted to the Gospel and the blessings that they receive from it.

Bueno, eso es todo! Have a great week everyone!!!

Élder Sadler 

With friends from Tortosa


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