Hey everybody, I am back again for another week!
On the bridge of Tortosa |
And Happy
Birthday to the best brother in the world, Harrison! You are now 19 buddy!
Felicidades!! Te quiero un montón!
Happy 19th birthday Harrison! |
But anyway, we didn´t have a baptism this week. José Antonio
went to Barcelona for a few days and his phone died so we have no contact with
him as of late...dang it :P But he will be baptized soon though!
And well, let´s see, two big things happened this week. One
we went to Barcelona on Thursday for a conference with Elder Olsson of the
Seventy, and he talked to us about the importance of working with the members
and that the Lord was changing the way missionary work has been. I was also
able to see a lot of my old mission friends, who go home in just a couple of
months! That is so scary!
Then, on Sunday, we went to Tarragona for Ward Conference (since
Tortosa pertains to the Tarragona ward still) and it was good. We had a total
of about 10 members go, and in the end, in ward council, the stake has big
plans for Tortosa in the future. I can´t say anything yet, but they are going
to be good :D
In Tarragona |
And the scripture for this week is in Alma 50:1-6, where
Moroni is going about fortifying all the cities from the lamanite attacks, and
we can apply this to how we can fortify ourselves in our day to day lives
I love you all, have a great week!
In Tortosa with the Arab castle of La Suda on top of a hill at the end |
Behind is the Ebro river, one of the longest rivers in Spain (930 km/578 miles)
Our flat in Spain.
It has 2 levels: Upstairs is the 2 bedrooms and the bathroom, downstairs is the kitchen and living room
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