Y cuando nuestros corazones se hallaban desanimados, y estábamos a punto de regresar, he aquí, el Señor nos consoló, y dijo: Id entre vuestros hermanos los lamanitas, y sufrid con paciencia vuestras affliciones, y os daré el éxito (Alma 26:27).

Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success (Alma 26:27).

Monday, July 13, 2015


Hey everybody, welcome to the first blog from Castellón. There is so much to describe, but let´s just say that Castellón is really different from Tortosa. It is big but pretty and there are a lot of members, and well, we have our own church building which is really pretty! And there were some members that I already knew from when I was in Gandía or from the MTC in Madrid (such as Elder Narcizo).

But one quick thing, there was an investigator of the other elders who they never really taught anything, but she came to various activities and church and stuff, and well, we decided to teach her and right from the beginning, she was like, well, when can I be baptized? We were really shocked, and now she has a date for the 24 of July! We are really excited and everyone in the ward is as well.

The work here is great, the Lord loves Castellón, the members are great, it is really missionary oriented and we work really well with them.

The scripture for this week is found in 3 Nefi 29:1. The Lord knows everything that is going to happen, and he knows how everything will work, we just need to go forth with faith and He will take care of the rest.

Os quiero! Hasta pronto! / Love you all!! See you soon! 

Elder Sadler 

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