Y cuando nuestros corazones se hallaban desanimados, y estábamos a punto de regresar, he aquí, el Señor nos consoló, y dijo: Id entre vuestros hermanos los lamanitas, y sufrid con paciencia vuestras affliciones, y os daré el éxito (Alma 26:27).

Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success (Alma 26:27).

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Summer baptism

Hey everybody! Another week, another story.

We were really focused on the baptism of Jessica, and in the end she was baptized! She faced a lot of challenges and struggles before the baptism, even up to the very minute before her baptism, but she fought through them! It was a huge miracle! As we helped her along her way, many things came in and tried to lead her away, but she stayed firm to her testimony of the Book of Mormon and she has only been strengthened and now knows that all that opposition was something trying to stop her from being baptized.

On Sunday, there was another huge miracle, in which we had the family of Jessica come, and another family from Venezuela. We called them before church to see if they would come but they said that they were going somewhere else with family. However in the middle of the second hour, they walked in with another investigator of ours, and it turns out that they have a family relation and it was a big coincidence that they came, and they loved church as well! 

Today, for preparation day, we went to a place called El Salto de la Novia, right next to Segorbe. It was really pretty and there was a misty waterfall that you could walk under, but of course, you would get wet jaja!

And to finish today, here is the scripture for the week. It is in Filipenses 2:15, where we can be examples to the world and they will see our light. Much love! 

Elder Sadler 
 At the entrance of the chapel in Castellón

With a friend at the church in Castellón

Monday, July 20, 2015

Una semana con viajes

¡Hola a todos! Hello everybody!

Con mi nuevo compañero Elder Seguí
Pues voy a intentar a hacer mi blog en español, porque bueno, lo he hecho en inglés por casi toda mi misión, y creo que sería más chulo en español jaja! Pero fuimos a Valencia muchas veces esta semana, por reuniones y cosas así, e hice un intercambio con Elder Ballam de Logan, y es muy majo y chistoso. 

Tuvimos entrevistas con Pte. Dayton, y ¡él es muy majo también! Era una entrevista para conocerme a mí y para ver qué tal. Y hablé acerca de mis experiencias y todo eso como misionero y cómo llegué a la decisión de servir una misión.

Y este viernes, estamos planeando de tener un bautismo! De una joven de 19 años de Colombia y está muy muy preparada y muy animada por su bautismo. Viene a todas las actividades y los JAS le han ayudado a ser parte del barrio, entonces estamos muy animados! 

La Escritura por esta semana se encuentra en Mormón 1:15-17. Mormón, siendo un joven de 15 años, empezó a predicar el Evangelio, ¡con 15 años! Y con oposición, y es un gran ejemplo para mí para ver que un chico así, tal como David en la Biblia, o José Smith en nuestra época, están dispuestos a servir a nuestro Dios, y que nosotros debemos seguir sus ejemplos.

Les quiero, nos veremos la semana que viene!!!

Élder Sadler

 En el planetario en Castellón

Monday, July 13, 2015


Hey everybody, welcome to the first blog from Castellón. There is so much to describe, but let´s just say that Castellón is really different from Tortosa. It is big but pretty and there are a lot of members, and well, we have our own church building which is really pretty! And there were some members that I already knew from when I was in Gandía or from the MTC in Madrid (such as Elder Narcizo).

But one quick thing, there was an investigator of the other elders who they never really taught anything, but she came to various activities and church and stuff, and well, we decided to teach her and right from the beginning, she was like, well, when can I be baptized? We were really shocked, and now she has a date for the 24 of July! We are really excited and everyone in the ward is as well.

The work here is great, the Lord loves Castellón, the members are great, it is really missionary oriented and we work really well with them.

The scripture for this week is found in 3 Nefi 29:1. The Lord knows everything that is going to happen, and he knows how everything will work, we just need to go forth with faith and He will take care of the rest.

Os quiero! Hasta pronto! / Love you all!! See you soon! 

Elder Sadler