Y cuando nuestros corazones se hallaban desanimados, y estábamos a punto de regresar, he aquí, el Señor nos consoló, y dijo: Id entre vuestros hermanos los lamanitas, y sufrid con paciencia vuestras affliciones, y os daré el éxito (Alma 26:27).

Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success (Alma 26:27).

Monday, June 15, 2015

Going to many pueblos

¡Hola amigos! 

Celebrating the birthday of our friend Margarita from Tortosa
This week has been normal, a little bit rough with the weather changes, but things are going good, the influence of the Church is growing in Tortosa and the people are starting to recognize us as "The Mormons" instead of some other church organizations jaja. 

We did a lot of traveling this week to pueblos, which takes a lot out of us. Since there is no real leadership down here, we have been assigned to visit and help all the members in the group, so we have been to St Carles de la Rápita, Alcanar, Mora de L´Ebre, Amposta, just a lot of pueblos that are around here to try and motivate the members. 
Traveling around to pueblos
The cathedral in Alcanar
The beach of La Rápita

But there is not much to tell this week. We have been trying to find new people, but it has been a struggle recently, so please pray for us that we can find new investigators.

I would like to leave you all with the scripture of this week in 3 Nefi 19:9. The Nephites are praying for so long in order to receive the Holy Ghost. All they wanted was to have it with them and after much praying, they received it. This is a good example for me, showing that if we pray for something righteous, and if we do it with all of our heart, we will receive it.

¡Nos vemos la semana que viene! We will see you next week! Thank you!! 

Elder Sadler 

First video district meeting. You can see my companion and I on the top left corner.

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